We are looking for new people to join our core team

Join Our Open Collective!

🚀 Boom! We've kicked off an open collective, hunting down some fuel (aka funding) for our epic F# adventures ahead. Dive into the heart of our mission in our about section over at our Open Collective spaceship. Every contribution? It's like rocket fuel to us. We're beyond thankful! Let's light this up!


We value transparency and wish to share our thoughts regarding the allocation of the funds received.
Since some of our ideas are more feasible than others, we categorize them into tiers.
Regardless of the tier achieved, our goal is to allocate the funds appropriately without hoarding.

Cottage tier (0 - 5K)

This is the lowest tier, enabling us to cover our existing costs:

  • Services for our online sessions, such as our Zoom subscription.
  • Travel expenses for in-person engagements with the F# community.
  • Purchasing and distributing swag, such as coffee mugs and t-shirts.
  • Treating an open-source maintainer to lunch following a significant release.
  • Funding advertisements for our sessions and F# essentials.

Villa tier (5K - 15K)

This tier enables us to begin compensating F# contributors for working on narrowly defined projects:

  • Developing comprehensive 'getting started' documentation for popular projects.
  • Adding new features to the F# compiler or tooling.
  • Performing essential maintenance work that cannot be completed outside of regular hours.

Mansion tier (15K - 50K)

Now we are making significant progress. With this level of funding, we could organize a small conference:

  • Host an in-person conference, workshop, or hackathon.
  • Support long-term, paid open-source F# projects.

Castle tier (50K - ...)

This is the ultimate tier, a level we aspire to reach. Achieving this would enable us to consider employing someone to work on community projects part-time, or possibly even full-time.

  • We can start a legal entity and conduct business on a more professional level.
  • Work on anything we need fixing for in the F# community.
  • Turn Ionide into an unmatched editing experience.
  • Produce professional education content.

Current sponsors