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Fable Compiler Overview

Maxime Mangel

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In the realm of Fable, the enchanting alchemy of transpiling F# source code into diverse languages unfolds. Renowned for its artistry in transforming into JavaScript, its magic extends far beyond, weaving spells to JavaScript, Python, Php, Rust, and more. This marvelous creation is a gem in the F# community’s crown.

In the world of ambitious open-source ventures, there must always be a guiding light.
Fortunate are we, for among us are stalwarts like Maxime, steering this noble quest with wisdom and courage.

Embark on a thrilling journey in this session, learning from the maestros themselves. Delve deep into the Fable codebase, unlocking its secrets, and discover how you, too, can contribute to this grand tapestry. Behold the wonders of the Fable compiler, a journey into the heart of code and community!

