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The grand majestic reveal of the Vite plugin for Fable

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In the unyielding cosmos of the frontend, where the digital alchemy of frameworks, libraries, tools, and runtimes whirls in a dance of creation and dissolution, there exists a tool of now, Vite, a beacon of development, cradled by a community of dreamers and doers.

In this realm, where the arcane arts of F# weave spells in the browser’s heart, Fable stands as a cherished conduit, bridging worlds through the transmutation of F# into JavaScript’s universal tongue, with Vite as its steadfast companion, a herald in the digital expanse.

Yet, amid this confluence of magic and machinery, a hot take brews, a spark against the orthodoxy.
The path trodden, where Fable’s spells are cast before Vite’s light touches them, whispers of limitation.
Driven by curiosity and the quest for harmony, I ventured into the unknown, seeking to fuse Fable directly within Vite’s flow, crafting a plugin, a new artifact, vite-plugin-fable, as a testament to this journey.

In this session

Our gathering here unfurls with tales of genesis and exploration, a showcase of creation — hello world, in its simplest purity.
As we traverse this narrative, it becomes evident, the artifact is yet nascent, its potential vast, its path forward uncharted. Our next endeavor, an invocation to extend its reach, to embrace the script files (*.fsx), a call to the mystics and the masons, to join in the crafting of this new age.

